We're very happy to be able to offer Transanta participants a voucher from BetterHelp for 6 months of free therapy!
Activation info is automatically emailed to you after you apply to Transanta.
This voucher will only work for new sign-ups. If you activated this offer last year, it won't work again. However, BetterHelp does offer financial aid, and you can learn more about what payment options may be available to you by reaching out to
BetterHelp has a huge network of therapists, and during your intake process you can specify the sort of therapist you are looking for, including if you want your new therapist to be a person of color, and/or a member of the LGBTQ+ community themself. BetterHelp will match you based on your preferences, but there may not be someone available and licensed in your state that satisfies all of your requirements the first time around. You’re always welcome to reach out to their team for some assistance finding the right therapist for you at
Remember, advocate for yourself and don’t continue to work with ANY therapist you feel doesn’t understand, support, and care for you. You are entitled to safe and mindful therapy!
When you sign up for an account on BetterHelp, they won't ask you for your full name. You can use whatever name you're most comfortable with. When you sign up through the link below and use the voucher code, 6 months of free therapy will be applied to your account. You won’t be asked to provide any billing information. If you are prompted to add your billing info, go back to this voucher link and try again!
Your therapist isn’t here to judge you. Be honest and be authentically you. If you dont feel comfortable talking with them, you can switch to a new therapist!
Switching therapists is totally ok. You should feel empowered to switch as many times as you need to find the one that feels right!
It’s ok to start therapy even if you feel like you don’t have lots to talk about. Figuring out your goals can be part of the process.
Your therapist cares about who you are and how you’re doing. The relationship between you is where a lot of the work happens.
Therapy is all about YOU. You make the rules, you decide what you do and don't want to talk about—you are in control. You get to ask for the kind of support you want, and you are encouraged to switch therapists until you find someone who feels safe.