Resource Guide
We hope these resources will help address the many needs beyond what holiday gifting can provide.
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- DC
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- International
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- National
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
Stand with Trans
Providing free support groups to trans youth (and ally parents) + access to trans-affirming mental healthcare.
Providing free support groups to trans youth (and ally parents) + access to trans-affirming mental healthcare.
Stand with Trans provides access to trans-affirming mental healthcare for transgender and non-binary youth 13-24 years old. Their Therapy Assistance Program currently includes young people living in California, Michigan, Utah and Wyoming. Apply here.
Stand with Trans also provides support groups for trans youth ages 9-24 and ally parents. Full list of groups here.
Call (248) 907-4853, or email Danica, Stand with Trans Program Manager
Working with young people (ages 18-24) on housing needs, healthcare, education, employment and trauma recovery.
Working with young people (ages 18-24) on housing needs, healthcare, education, employment and trauma recovery.
Jovenes is a Los Angeles-based youth (ages 18-24) homelessness organization that offers case management, housing options for unhoused youth and students. While they’re not an LGBTQ-specific organization, they proudly serve all youth in need.
RISE Program @ Los Angeles LGBT Center
Providing case support to Los Angeles County LGBTQ+ youth in foster care.
East Bay Community Law Center Youth Justice
Providing free legal advice and representation to youth with an emphasis on youth who are Black, Indigenous, or people of color.
Providing free legal advice and representation to youth with an emphasis on youth who are Black, Indigenous, or people of color.
The Education Defense and Justice for Youth program works to keep youth – particularly youth who are Black, Indigenous, or people of color – in school and out of the legal system. Their mission is to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline by challenging the marginalization and criminalization of youth in their schools and communities.
They will determine your eligibility for services once you’ve completed an intake assessment. In general, their services are available to youth in grades K-12 who live in or attend school in Alameda County.
East Bay Community Law Center also offers Social Work services. Their social workers provide trauma-informed case management, crisis intervention, and system navigation to clients as they work towards both their legal and non-legal goals. More information here.
Point of Pride HRT Access Fund
Providing direct financial assistance to trans folks who cannot afford HRT.
Providing direct financial assistance to trans folks who cannot afford HRT.
Point of Pride provides trans folks with 12 months prescription cost coverage, medical care, medical letters and more. Learn more about the program and apply here.
Please note that the fund is available to individuals 18+ and within the current service area of their three provider partners: Plume, Folx, QueerMed, and QueerDoc. Each of these links specifically leads to each partner’s HRT Access Fund pages.
Bay Area Legal Aid Youth Justice
Providing free civil legal services to young people 13-26 to prevent justice system entry/reentry.
Providing free civil legal services to young people 13-26 to prevent justice system entry/reentry.
The Youth Justice team provides free civil legal services to young people 13-26 to prevent justice system entry/reentry. Their work is focused on foster care, education, public benefits/SSI, guardianships, immigration, and family law. Complete their online referral form to be connected with legal services.
California Rural Legal Assistance
Providing access to justice for LGBTQ+ people living in rural California through trainings, outreach, advocacy, community leadership and collaborations, and free direct legal assistance.
Providing access to justice for LGBTQ+ people living in rural California through trainings, outreach, advocacy, community leadership and collaborations, and free direct legal assistance.
Established in 2007, the LGBTQ+ Program at CRLA seeks to improve the quality of life and access to justice for LGBTQ+ people living in rural California through trainings, outreach, advocacy, community leadership and collaborations, and free direct legal assistance. They provide legal assistance with name and gender marker corrections, immigration, education, housing, healthcare and public benefits.
LGBTQ+ staff are bilingual in English and Spanish, and interpretation services are available for other languages at no charge.